It’s Easter again in two weeks and it’s time to get out and rattle some tins for the Annual Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. And, as you would be aware, after a horrendous year we were not able to host our door knock in 2020 – therefore depriving the vital services at the Royal Children’s of much needed funds.
This year our local fire brigades will be out at the roadside collection point and also driving around the streets in town - give them a big wave as we could not do this without them. Also, we are looking forward to seeing the many local kids and families that support us every year.
This year will look a bit different; with COVID-19 rules we have had to change the way we are doing things. At the fire station, no one will be allowed inside. Tins can be collected at the back door and returned there once you have completed collecting. We will have hand sanitiser and wipes if you require. Our tins now have a QR code on them if people wish to pay online (and these donations still goes to our local total).
Also due to the new normal we won’t be having any food, but will still have Easter eggs.
There are two ways you can help. One is to help out collecting and we would love to see you all on Friday 2nd April from 9:30am at the Mount Beauty Fire Station (back door).
The other is to recognise the great work the volunteers do to support the Royal Children’s and dig deep to donate.